Acupuncture: Face Mapping & Meridians
Over the last few years of diving deeper into healing modalities, I fell in love with acupuncture. The human body is a complex and brilliant machine designed to self-heal, with meridians (invisible vital energy lines) that directly connect to different parts of the body.
In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is utilized to improve the flow of vital energy (called qi or chi) throughout the body. By inserting needles into specific points along meridian lines, it removes blockages and restores the flow of vital energy, then improving health and overall energy.
Acupuncture has been found to help with a wide variety of health conditions, including Arthritis, Anxiety, Stress, Chronic pain, Migraines, Depression, Insomnia, Nausea, Sciatica, Sinus congestion, Tinnitus, and Weight Loss. It has even been successfully used to promote fertility, as well as a treatment for addictions, including smoking.
I have put a main emphasis on facial acupuncture while following face mapping (hand sketched below). Facial acupuncture can relieve an incredible amount of pressure and benefit the corresponding organs while additionally offering beautiful cosmetic effects.
Acupuncture greatly improves the appearance of skin, reversing the signs of aging and stimulating the production of collagen while detoxifying. It is a fantastic alternative to fillers and botox, which are harmful toxins that paralyze your facial muscles (after all, your third eye/pineal gland is located in the center of your forehead. ) From a cosmetic standpoint, it has been found to reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines, remove age spots, clear acne, and even lift droopy eyelids.
If you are considering these treatments, make sure you find an experienced acupuncturist who understands your ailments and health goals. I always apply MV Skin Serum before each session for best results.