Breast Implant Removal/ Explant Surgery
01/20/2020 A Heartfelt Message from Maria:
I wanted share something very personal. Two weeks ago I had breast implant removal surgery. I love the way I look now, and I'm thrilled to have my natural body back.
Life is a journey full of transition, growth, and self-forgiveness. I am extremely private, but this message is just too important. When I was 19 years young, I regrettably made the decision to alter my body, believing that toxic implants placed against my most vital organs would somehow make me feel more beautiful, or give me a false worldly validation.
It’s wild because, I went through a major awakening in my early twenties with immense transformation. I live an all-natural, plant-based lifestyle, I don't wear makeup, use chemicals or even drink out of plastic water bottles. Getting implants was a very permanent decision, based off of temporary feelings that were uninformed.
But the path of self-discovery and acceptance that this has lead me down is invaluable. The truth is, I am not my body. I am a soul. My body is my vehicle, my temple - and it is absolutely necessary to be as healthy as possible to maximize this lifetime.
Foreign objects in the body are ticking time-bombs. They cause inflammation and create an immune response. The body begins a constant battle as it tries to fight them. With breast implants, thick layers of scar tissue grow in defense that attaches to the muscles, chest wall, and breast tissue. This capsule must be very carefully removed along with the implant as it holds chemicals and heavy metals. Ruptured implants are not the only concern. Even if The implant is intact, the silicone outer shell releases harmful toxins into the body.
All around the world, healthy women who get implants are developing a multitude of autoimmune sicknesses. Breast implant illness is finally being recognized as the direct cause and manufacturers have even recalled their implants with links to cancer. It also makes you wonder - why are these implants marketed as "safe" for women who are in remission?
The media pushes a very warped and unrealistic idea of what beauty is and there are societal pressures that we must overcome. Every year, 300,000+ women are going under the knife and putting their health on the line for this in the United States alone, and over 1.5 Million implants are placed annually worldwide. Fortunately, explant surgeries are also on the rise.
Breast implants must be exchanged every ten years, if not removed. Along with tens of thousands of dollars, this means a lifelong routine of surgeries and stress on the body for many decades.
I am a jungle woman. I’m an athlete. I'm a black belt in karate. I love rock climbing, kayaking, surfing, biking, extreme outdoors adventure... I soon realized that having implants did not serve me, in fact they were entirely holding me back. My pectoral muscles were completely detached, I had no idea at the time that having implants meant I was giving up almost half of my upper body strength.
My neck and back were in constant discomfort. For a brief time, I even had severe skin breakouts from the immune response. On top of that, the scar tissue capsule was constricting my breathing. I noticed it most intensely a couple years ago while diving in a grotto in the islands, when suddenly felt like I was suffocating. I couldn’t catch my breath and it was very frightening.
For the last few years, I was waking up each day feeling almost claustrophobic in my own body and it was unbearable. It was as if I was aware of them all night in my sleep, recognizing that they were not part of me.
Because of my alkaline/vegan lifestyle, I thankfully was able to boost my immune system and combat breast implant illness symptoms, but the mile-long list of frequent, serious and fatal side effects are surely not worth the gamble. This was a difficult process with many devastating realizations as I learned the truth. The majority of surgeons don’t share this information. I made the decision to explant because I knew it was best for ME! I also was certain that I absolutely did not want them inside of my body when or if I am pregnant and breastfeeding in the future.

After almost an entire year on the waiting list, divine timing finally allowed me to have removal surgery at the Feng Clinic, and I feel more whole, womanly and truly myself now than ever before. Dr.Lu-Jean Feng is the World's Top Vascular Surgeon specializing in breast implant removal. She perfectly performed a Bilateral Periprosthetic Capsulectomy. My muscles are completely repaired and I am nearly identical to my God-given body.
When I woke up from surgery, I immediately noticed that I could breathe better. My skin was a different color from increased circulation. My eyes were noticeably brighter, lighter green with more depth. And the pressure on my neck and spine was gone. It was a literal weight off my chest.
There is unexplainable freedom, relief, and confidence in deciding that you honestly don’t care what ANYONE thinks of you, living your truest self, and choosing health over vanity. Optimal Health is Optimal Beauty™.
I am happy to close this chapter and open a new one of awareness. I certainly never judge anyone else for what they choose. But from the bottom of my heart, I can only hope that this will help other young girls and women - because these are the things I wish someone shared with me.
YOU ARE PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL EXACTLY AS YOU ARE! Live consciously. Love yourself. 🌸✨ Keep it real! MV